Le Milieu is...

A cooperatively run art studio and café located in Montréal's Centre-Sud neighborhood that invites everyone and anyone to create, facilitate, and/or admire art as an active participant in their community. 

Our studio is open to all, filled with heaps of second-hand art supplies available on a pay-what-you-can basis. Visitors bring their own creative projects to work on during open studio hours or come for skillshare workshops and events lead by fellow community members.

Our café serves affordable, fair-trade and organic drinks as well as homemade vegan fare using local and organic ingredients. We cater too!

Our shop offers second-hand art supplies alongside locally-made arts and crafts created and curated by co-op volunteers and members.

Le Milieu is a proud member of the Art Hives Network


To foster a welcoming environment that inspires and empowers a diverse community through dialogue, creativity and shared resources.


We aim to cultivate personal and collective growth, active and inclusive participation within the community, and sustainable living principles through art, food and dialogue.


1. “Abundance is a communal act, the joint creation of an incredibly complex ecology in which each part functions on behalf of the whole and, in return, is sustained by the whole. Community not only creates abundance – community is abundance. If we could learn that equation from the world of nature, the human world might be transformed.” - Paul Rogat Loeb

2. Art and food are tools that, through making and sharing, keep individuals and communities healthy.

3. Sustainable living principles hold individuals accountable to each other and the planet

4. Dialogue and creative expression bridge differences and unifies

5.  Considering all voices, collective decision making and working together within the community encourages inclusivity.

6. Accessible, open and diverse spaces foster respect

7. A generous spirit and open heart cultivate love and gratitude within individuals and communities